25 October 2010

I Can

I can be a good Mom and Wife.  I feel as if I have been swimming in a pool of syrup, keeping me from being who I want to be.

My house is not in the best condition that it could be, but it is getting there.  I have never been a great housekeeper.  And, it has really bothered me.  I have let it get out of hand at times and then don't know where to start.  A dear friend turned me onto Flylady.com and that has helped tremendously.  It is a great guide to find a place to start.  It has also helped me to start at one place and not feel like I have to do it all at one time.  I now have a routine to keep the basics clean and I can keep going to get through the rest of the junk.  It is going to be so nice to have my house clutter free by Christmas.  It is also nice because when we do decide to move, it will be great to be able to pick up and move what I want to take and not move junk.

I guess I am feeling pretty good because I got the boys to school on time (fed and dressed well)....picked up a package from a friend....put together a great dinner in the crockpot....empty the dishwasher....and start a load of laundry.  All of this before 10AM.  I am feeling pretty good about it.  It also helps that everyone slept until time for the alarm to go off.  Yeah...it was awesome.

I am feeling great....life is good.  God is great and I give him thanks for all that he has given to me.



  1. Good for you! What a positive post and a good start to the day!

    I've been living for my crockpot lately and trying tons of new recipes.

  2. Hi i was just recently diagnosed after multiple surgeries and much worsening of symptoms recently. i was wondering if you could give me a little perspective. i am half way through medical school but the pain is so bad sometimes i wonder if i will be able to reach my goal and if so will i compromise patient care. will i be functional? obviously i dont expect you to tell me what the future hold just maybe a little about what your life is like, what compromises you have made if any, and any thoughts for me to consider. anything would be very helpful.
    my email is mb3319@nyumc.org
    thank you and best of luck. :)
