13 October 2010


Today is a good day.  The basement is almost completely finished.  BJ has been over finishing the drywall, painting and doing all the little odds and ends that need to be finished.  I am truly hoping that by the middle of next week I will be able to have all the furniture back and everything organized.

Since Matt has moved 90% of the things from downstairs to the garage. I am hoping to get all the things put away and set up just the way I want it to be.  I am going to be getting rid of things again.  I know that I am going to get rid of some furniture that we really don't need.  I am really starting to work through, in my head, what I really want to move with me to Holyoke.

I was really excited about getting the basement finished....it is one more step closer to our goal of moving.  Me, not good at waiting for things, I started looking for houses in Holyoke.  There are two country homes I really want to look and buy.  But, Matt is the cool calm on in our house and reminds me that we have to wait.

Things are just not going to be totally in order for us to be doing something that drastic so soon.  I am thinking that I will take the rest of the year to get the house all cleaned out and in order.  I am hoping to put the house on the market in January.  House sales are so slow that I think putting it on the market sooner would be better for us.  If it sells before we are ready to move....looks like apartment living for us.  It would be tight quarters, but I don't see why we could not do that.  We can move things to Grandma's house or to a storage unit if we need to.  Might even save us some money and we could make good interest on what we get out of this house.

It is really true that Max should finish out the school year here.  I know what it was like to move schools during the school year and more than one time.  So, I am going to sit tight and let Max and Ben finish the school year here.

Hopefully, when we are ready the plan will be there.  God has a plan for us and we will follow his lead.  I just need to learn patience and that has never been my strong point.

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