03 August 2010


What are my priorities in life?   Last week I was in a tremendous amount of pain.  I had spent two days in bed and then Max fell and broke his arm.  It is amazing what a bit of adrenalin can do for you.  I was not upright when we left for the hospital with him, but I was up and around.

It was amazing that for the several days after that I was not worried about my pain.  While it was there in the background.  I was not focused on it at all.  Max ended up needing surgery....that put the pain off a little longer.  Then we went out to Holyoke for the fair and I was so worried about Max getting hurt again that I just kept going.

By Sunday I was just so worn out that I actually spent the whole day in bed, literally the whole day.  It was great....I slept the whole time.  Not just lying there, but truly sleeping.  It was great.  I felt much better pain wise and emotionally after that.

Yesterday was another day of doctor appointments in Denver, but I just went through the motions.

This morning I woke up with a new focus.  Thinking about all that has happened in the last week, I realize that my pain needs to take the back seat to my children.  They are what is most important in my life.  I am here to take care of them and prepare them for the future. Who knows what they will be in the future.

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