10 May 2010

The Week Starts

It is the start of a new week and it is going to be a busy one.  My shoulder is still hurting, but there is not much I can do about it.  All the pain killers have messed up my digestive system.  I thought my stomach was going to explode, but then it started and now it won't stop.  One or the other...not sure what is better pain or constipation??  

Today Max has school and I have to drive.   I think I am going to wear the sling, but I know that I can still grab the wheel with both hands, if need be.  It would cause lots of pain, but hopefully I won't have to do that. Tomorrow is school again.  Wednesday I have to go to Denver for my physical for VA compensation.  I am going to take the boys with, unless Bobbie can babysit.  Thursday is Max's last day at school.  They are having a graduation program.  I have to make these strange treats for that day.  Hamburger cookies???  We will see.  Friday is my appointment to get knee braces and shoe lifts.  Friday night I am going scrapbooking at Bobbie's and need to finish my page for Stamp Club.  Saturday I have nothing going....spending time with the kids.  Sunday is stamp club.  Then we start all over again.....but Max will have no school.

My shoulder is still hurting and I am not sure I am going to be able to take care of the kids and not have pain. I will try.  The boys are laughing right now and it makes it all worth it.  They don't seem to mind that I cannot do much.  They are keeping themselves busy. 

Think positive thoughts, I am trying to.

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